New Patient

Please fill out the form below

    First Name:

    Middle Initial:

    Last Name:


    Preferred Name:








    Home Phone:

    Work Phone:

    Cell Phone:

    Email Address:



    Marital Status:

    How Did You Hear About Our Office?

    Do You Prefer To Be Contacted For Appointment Confirmation Via E-Mail or Phone?:

    Insurance – Primary

    Subscriber Name:

    Relationship to Patient:

    Subscriber DOB:

    Subscriber SN/ID:

    Subscriber Employer:

    Insurance Company Name:

    Insurance Company Address:

    Insurance Company Phone:

    Group Number:

    Insurance – Secondary

    Subscriber Name:

    Relationship to Patient:

    Subscriber DOB:

    Subscriber SN/ID:

    Subscriber Employer:

    Insurance Company Name:

    Insurance Company Address:

    Insurance Company Phone:

    Group Number:

    Assignment and Release

    I, the undersigned, certify that I (or my dependent) have insurance coverage and assign directly to NOVA Dental Studio all insurance benefits, if any, otherwise payable to me for services rendered. I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges whether or not paid by insurance. I hereby authorize the doctor to release all information necessary to secure the payments of benefits. I authorize the use of this signature on all insurance submissions.

    Patient/Guardian Name:

    Today's Date:

    CONSENT: I consent to the diagnostic procedures and treatment by the dentist necessary for proper dental care. To avoid a broken appointment charge of $75 for each hour, or any portion of an hour, with a hygienist, and $100 or each hour, or any portion of an hour, with Dr Paesani, PLEASE notify us of a cancellation no less than 24 hours, or one full business day, prior to your appointment. Voicemails left over the weekend will not constitute adequate notice and will result in a broken appointment charge.

    Patient/Guardian Name:

    Today's Date: